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The Point by Colson Center

Sep 30, 2019

Imagine living among the forested hills, the sun-drenched vineyards, and the ancient olive groves of southeastern Italy.

Well, for $27,000, you can now own a house in a quaint medieval Italian village. Even better: The authorities in the region will pay you $27,000 to move there. Especially if you’re young and willing...

Sep 27, 2019

Abraham Kuyper famously said, “There’s not a single square inch over which Christ who is sovereign over all does not cry out ‘Mine!’”

While Christians often acknowledge Christ’s rule over human dignity, marriage, and maybe even our finances, we sometimes miss how central time is to a truly Christian...

Sep 26, 2019

G.K. Chesterton said, “If words aren’t worth fighting for, what on earth would be?” How we use words shapes our understanding of reality and can even reveal the health of an entire culture.

That’s why abortion supporters refuse to use the word “baby” to describe human life in the womb. It’s a word that...

Sep 25, 2019

Sometimes to expose evil, you have to show it for what it is—or call it out by name. Think of the graphic movie about abortionist Kermit Gosnell. Or David Daleiden recording Planned Parenthood employees as they nonchalantly describe selling the remains of aborted babies.

Some pro-lifers are using a new term to talk...

Sep 24, 2019

If that opening line jolted you, it did me too. I was in college and a classmate of mine dropped that observation like a ton of bricks. It hurt because it’s true: Many Christians live lives indistinguishable from secularists. 

Secularism is the default state of our culture. Its power is not in confronting and...